[LIVE]Modern C++ in Depth

Master the Advanced Features and Techniques of Modern C++, Unleash the Full Power of this High-level Programming Language.

Instructor: Subrat Kumar SwainLanguage: English

Start Date : 24 Feb, 2024

About the course


Modern C++ in Depth is a comprehensive course that delves into the advanced concepts and features of the C++ programming language. It goes beyond the basics of C++ and explores the latest techniques and best practices used in modern C++ development. This course is designed to enhance your skills and knowledge in C++, enabling you to write efficient and robust code.

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding the latest features of C++
  • Mastering modern C++ programming techniques
  • Exploring advanced concepts like move semantics and variadic templates
  • Using the Standard Template Library (STL) effectively
  • Understanding C++11, C++14, and C++17 standards

What you will learn:

  • Advanced C++ features:
    Learn about advanced features of C++ such as lambda expressions, smart pointers, and rvalue references. Understand how to leverage these features to write powerful and efficient code.
  • Modern C++ techniques:
    Explore modern C++ programming techniques like type deduction, constexpr, and auto, and understand how they improve code readability and performance.
  • Advanced concepts:
    Dive into advanced topics such as move semantics and variadic templates. Discover how these concepts enable better resource management and more flexible programming.
  • Effective use of STL:
    Learn how to use the Standard Template Library (STL) effectively to write reusable and efficient code. Explore containers, algorithms, and iterators provided by the STL.
  • Understanding C++ standards:
    Get a comprehensive understanding of C++ standards, including C++11, C++14, and C++17. Learn about the new features and improvements introduced in these standards.


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